CardinalKit Mobile Health Data FHIR Implementation Guide
1.0.0 - release
CardinalKit Mobile Health Data FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions
Official URL: | Version: 1.0.0 | |||
Active as of 2022-08-27 | Computable Name: CKmHealthFhirIG |
CardinalKit is an open-source digital health mobile app framework created at Stanford University consisting of an iOS mobile application template, Google Cloud managed backend, and web-based data dashboard. CardinalKit makes it easy to build a mobile application that collects patient-generated health data, including from wearable devices (e.g. Apple Watch, Fitbit), and represent these data in standardized formats. This Implementation Guide describes how CardinalKit represents mobile health data as FHIR resources.
CardinalKit iOS applications collect data from devices compatible with Apple HealthKit which is a centralized repository for health and fitness data on the iPhone and Apple Watch. CardinalKit serializes this data into JSON using Granola according to either specialized Open mHealth schemas or generic HealthKit schemas as described in this mapping table. CardinalKit provides an OMH-to-FHIR mapper which converts these data into FHIR resources, as described in this Implementation Guide. These FHIR resources can then be consumed by FHIR applications.
The CardinalKit framework provides a mapper module that can be deployed as a serverless cloud function to Google Cloud and automates OMH to FHIR mapping within the database of your CardinalKit project.
This Implementation Guide was written in FSH, and built with SUSHI and IG Publisher by Vishnu Ravi. CardinalKit is a project at the Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign at Stanford University.
While this implementation guide itself is in the public domain, it includes examples making use of terminologies such as SNOMED CT, LOINC, and others that may have more restrictive licensing requirements.